Building performance standards (BPS) are a critical policy tool for jurisdictions with ambitious climate goals. Buildings account for a significant segment of total emissions at local and state levels. As local and state governments lead climate action, building performance will need to improve to meet climate goals. A BPS mandates levels of performance that reduce energy use and can address a variety of other social priorities such as health, economic development, resiliency, housing affordability, and racial equity.

In January 2021, IMT published its Full Model Building Performance Standard Law, a 25-page starting point for jurisdictions legislating a BPS. In response to requests from governments and stakeholders seeking a more streamlined model, IMT created this Short Model BPS Law. Local characteristics including political support, election schedules, and legislative norms, may prompt policy-makers toward more or less detailed legislation. This Short Model BPS Law establishes broad goals and an equitable process by which stakeholders and one or more agencies will work together after passage to craft BPS rules to achieve shared goals. The streamlined law, and its greater reliance on rulemaking, make it particularly well-suited for states passing a BPS.


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